Adventure Prompt Generator

Showing an adventure generated using 15148 as the seed.

Adventure Hook

This adventure takes place within castle ruins and among foothills while facing the Inquisition and robbers. There is labor unrest and a haunting involved.

NPCs in the Area

  1. Alsu Bastheim
  2. Petr Malouel
  3. Daniel Johnson
  4. Elfrida Beroldingen
  5. Nanikier Rosencrans
  6. Hilma Chromy
  7. Olivier Uhrmacher
  8. Theobaldt Bemelberg
  9. Piotr Toden
  10. Stefan Repicky
  11. Gottfried Oves
  12. Rail Wallgren
  13. Horst Prokop
  14. Monika Iffinger
  15. Jakob Dödorff
  16. Petr Farida
  17. Jan de Breza
  18. Piotr de Donzy
  19. Foelke Maryam
  20. Richard Koniecpolski

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