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Long seax

Sidearm, Military, Rural, Sword, Blade, German, British Isles, Norse

A large, single-edged knife used in the late Iron Age, these could be around 24"/ 60 cm. Popular with Vikings and Saxons, and by tribal people throughout Northern, Western and Central Europe and in the British Isles. The seax was both a tool and a weapon, could be used to start fires or cut brush, skin an animal or carve a notch in a piece of wood. But these large blades were laso lethal, killing weapons, feared by the enemies of the people who carried them.

NameSizeReachSpeedDefenseBase DamageAttack TypesPrimary Attack TypesArmor PierceGrappleHardnessHP
Long seaxS2411-8SCPSC0094

The famous ‘broken back’ long-seax or scrameseax excavated from the Thames river, featuring a runic inscription on the blade. Saxon, 10th Century. This would also have a hilt, obviously.

Long Seax blade, excavated in Norway, 11th Century. It originally would have had a hilt and possibly some kind of small quillions

Modern replica of the Thames river scrameseax, representing a 10th Century Saxon weapon.

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